In this project, I've created a dialog between my inner fractures and the concrete fractures of my family's greenhouse. The texts printed on the fractures are texts I wrote out of observation and as a reflection of my mental fracture. The direct translation of the sentence printed in the shard is "If I'm crazy so are you". It's a quote from conversation I had with another ward in my first hospitalization. One of the most painful experiences beyond the isolation and the loneliness is the loss of the person I was before. the fracture is both in the soul, but also in the self-concept.
what does it say about me? am I crazy? it's such a frightening thought. the first stage in my journey was mourning over the person I was before and accepting the person I am now. the only way to heal the fracture is to accept it.
through lyrics and sentences I wrote, I wanted to refer to fragility and vulnerability and to break the stigma commonly associated with mental illness. Going through mental crises doesn't make someone weak or crazy, and being vulnerable is not being weak but rather being strong.
Texts printed with black powder and fired on fractures of float glasses taken from our former greenhouse and suspended from the ceiling. varied sizes between 5X30cm, to 50X80cm, Chronicles, Rehovot Municipal Art Gallery, Rehovot 2020